The density, the electron, ion, and neutral temperatures in dense ͑n e Ͼ10 13 cm Ϫ3 ͒ and cool ͑T e Ͻ8 eV͒ magnetized helium plasma columns submerged in a cool neutral gas ͑n 0 ϳ3ϫ10 15 cm Ϫ3 ͒ environment have been measured. These plasmas, of similar collisionality to those expected in the scrape-off layer of ITER ͑International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor͒ ͓R. Parker, Contrib. Plasma Phys. 34, 422 ͑1994͔͒, are found to obey the low-recycling behavior of approximate plasma pressure balance along the column axis. Density decreases by a factor of about 2 and T e remains isothermal. Computer simulations using the B2 ͓R. Schneider et al., 810 ͑1992͔͒ plasma-fluid code have been performed and are in good agreement with experimental results. Measured ion temperatures are consistent with classical energy transfer from the electrons. Neutrals within the plasma are heated by elastic and charge-exchange collisions. This set of measurements represents the most detailed comparisons between experimental results and B2 predictions.