We undertook the analysis of the archive data of forensic medical expertises of the non-identified corpses accumulated at the tanatological divisions of the Moscow Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise for the period from 2012 till 2016. Special attention was given to sex and age composition of the deceased as well as the structure of mortality and the traces of ethyl alcohol, if any, present in the blood. It was shown that the majority of the unidentified bodies were those of the young men, with the main cause of the non-violent deaths being the cardiovascular pathology. Ethyl alcohol was found in the blood of 43% of the corpses. The analysis encompassed also the most frequently used methods for personality identification based on the data available from the medical-criminalistic department of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise. The statistical treatment of the results of the study provided materials making it possible to envision the tendencies of the further development and improvement of the methods for personality identification for the purpose of forensic medical expertise and judicial practice.