Abstract. The development of storage rings and electromagnetic traps for heavy charged particles is opening up new regimes of atomic physics, including, in particular, spectroscopic studies of Rydberg helium-like ions -with nuclear charge Z, one electron in the ls state, and one electron in a near-hydrogenic state of high n and l< n, with n and I the principal and orbital quantum numbers, respectively. We consider the possibility of detecting energy shifts due to retardation, AEre t (n, I), Casimir-like effects. These are quantum electrodynamic (QED) retardation effects associated with the finite speed of light. (As opposed to basically kinematic and dynamic QED effects for small quantum numbers n and l, the appropriate expansion parameter for n and I large for retardation QED corrections is not Z(e 2~he ) but [(Z -1)/n 2Z 2](~,/C/e ~).) We wish to provide some orientation to those planning experiments in the area, with regard to the choices of n, l, and Z most likely to be able to generate a high-precision confirmation of a retarded interaction. To do so, we provide extensive tables of estimates, for 1 s, nl states, of AEret(n, l), of radiative widths, and of E, the spin-independent ("electric" fine structure) energy in the absence of retardation shifts, for (nuclear spin zero) ions with Z = 2, 6, 8, t6 and 20. These ions might be experimentally accessible in storage rings, and the Z's are low enough that virtual pair production effects may not yet be significant. There is also a brief survey of possible experimental techniques.