The biological syn-dehydrogenation (desaturation) of fatty acids 1 as exemplified by the ∆9 desaturase-mediated transformation of stearoyl CoA (1) to give oleyl CoA (2) represents one of the more virtuosic displays of enzymatic selectivity. Two classes of desaturases catalyze this intriguing transformation: soluble plant enzymes containing a carboxylate-bridged, nonheme diiron center 2 and less well-characterized, nonheme iron, membrane-bound catalysts as represented by the ∆9 desaturase found in Saccharomyces cereVisiae 3 and rat liver. 4 In light of the mounting evidence 5 that desaturases and hydroxylases are structurally related at the protein level, we have adopted the view that desaturations are initiated by a hydrogen abstraction step similar to that proposed for biohydroxylation. Some of the possible subsequent steps to the olefin are outlined in Scheme 1. 6 We have focussed our attention on the ∆9 desaturase of S. cereVisiae and have tentatively placed the putative iron-oxo oxidizing species near C-9 of the substrate since this enzyme system consistently oxygenates 9-thia fatty acid analogues more efficiently than the corresponding 10-thia analogues. 12 In this communication, we report the results of a study in which we further investigate the cryptoregiochemistry of yeast ∆9 desaturation by measuring the deuterium isotope effect for each individual C-H bond cleavage. 13 In order to expedite our isotope effect study, we decided to run direct competition experiments involving methyl 7-thiastearate-9,9-d 2 (3-9,9-d 2 ) vs methyl 7-thiastearate (3) and methyl 7-thiastearate-10,10-d 2 (3-10,10-d 2 ) vs methyl 7-thiastearate (3). Use of methyl stearate-d 2 /d 0 mixtures would have complicated the analysis of the methyl oleate-d 1 /d 0 product due to mass spectral interference by endogenous (d 0 ) oleate. The sulfur atom was placed at position 7 in order to facilitate the synthesis of the deuterated substrates. We have shown previously that methyl 7-thiastearate (3) is converted to the corresponding thiaoleate product (4). 14 3-9,9-d 2 and 3-10,10-d 2 were synthesized in 10% and 8% overall yield, respectively, using well-known procedures as shown in Scheme 2. 15 The two deuterated substrates consisted entirely of dideuterated species (within experimental error) as determined by MS; the 1 H and 13 C NMR spectra were consistent with the location of deuterium label. 3 was available from our previous study. A ca. 1:1 mixture of each deuterated substrate and d 0 material (25 mg) was administered as 5% w/v ethanolic solutions to growing cultures (150 mL) of S. cereVisiae ATCC 12341 as previously described. 12 Each incubation was carried The putative radical intermediate 7 could follow at least three different pathways: one-electron oxidation/H + elimination (pathway a), 8a,b disproportionation (pathway b), 9 or a hydroxyl rebound 10a (SH2) 10b /fast Fe 3+promoted dehydration sequence (pathway c). In addition, the possibility that organoiron intermediates 11 (not shown) are involved in these reactions cannot be...