E)-4-Diethoxyphosphonyl-2-methylbut-2-enal was smoothly converted into its O-acetylated or O-triisopropylsilylated (E, E)-enol ethers, which were used as efficient and (E)-stereoselective five carbon polyvinylogation reagents of aldehydes, via the corresponding in situ generated potassium or tetrabutylammonium dienolates, respectively.The polyvinylogation reaction is a very attractive synthetic process in terpenoid chemistry. 1 For example, the direct insertion of a prenyl unit into the C=O bond of a carbonyl compound giving access to 3-methyl-substituted dienals has been widely used within the framework of retinoid synthesis. 2 In contrast, despite its synthetical significance, 3 the five carbon homologation of carbonyl compounds 1 into 2-methyl substituted dienals 2 (Scheme 1) is more rarely found : Wittig, 4,5 as well as HornerWadsworth-Emmons (HWE) 6 reagents 3a-c have been devised for this purpose. Except for 3b 5 , these reagents are phosphorus derivatives from protected 2-methylbut-2-enal, whose aldehyde function has to be regenerated at the end of the synthesis. Having recently proposed an efficient synthesis of (E)-4-diethoxyphosphonyl-2-methylbut-2-enal (3d), 7 we have now examined its use as a synthetic intermediate for C 5 polyvinylogation.
Scheme 1In a preliminary study, we tested the efficiency of homologation of benzaldehyde with dienolate 4 prepared by deprotonation of 3d, the reaction being monitored by 31 P NMR (Scheme 2, path a). As expected, 3d [ 31 P NMR, d(CDCl 3 ) = 22.2] was readily converted by aqueous 4 N NaOH into its sodium salt 4 [M = Na, 31 P NMR, d(H 2 O) = 29.6], stable in water, which gave a moderate yield of 2a (R = Ph), under phase transfer catalysis (PTC) conditions (Table 1, Entry 1). A lower yield was obtained under solid/liquid PTC conditions (Entry 2). With KH in THF, the reaction required heating at 55°C (Entry 3), whereas t-BuOK converted 3d at 0°C into its potassium salt, which reacted slowly (Entry 4). A slightly better yield was obtained by use of KHMDS as a base (Entry 5). In the last three cases, the potassium salt was insoluble in THF and immediately agglomerated to a gummy pellet. Finally, the lithium dienolate 4 [M = Li ; 31 P NMR, d(THF) = 27.3], generated by deprotonation of 3d with LDA, was soluble in THF and reacted with benzaldehyde at -70°C giving 2a, but in modest yield (Entry 6).
Scheme 2Downloaded by: Nanyang Technological University NTU. Copyrighted material.