The crystal data for the two forms of 5-ethylbarbituric acid (EBA) are (I) monoclinic (m.p. 194--196°), a= 11.151, b =6.838, c= 9.536 A, fl= 92°21 ', space groupP2)/c with four, molecules per cell; (II)triclinic (m.p. 142-145 ), a=6.018, b= 5.344, c= 12.121/~, ~=93 38, fl= 105 42, ),=94 19, space group P1 or PT with two molecules per cell. The crystal structure of (I) is reported together with that of the oxidation product 5-hydroxy-5-ethylbarbituric acid (HEBA) which is monoclinic (m.p. 207-209°), a= 10.088, b = 6.298, c = 11-914 A, fl= 99 36", space group P2t/n with four molecules per cell. The X-ray diffraction data (Cu K~ radiation) were obtained using an automatic four-circle diffractometer. All hydrogen atoms were found in difference Fourier syntheses. Full-matrix least-squares refinement gave R values of 0-06 and 0.05 respectively. The rings in both EBA and HEBA have a 'flap' conformation with C(5) displaced from an otherwise nearly flat ring. In EBA the ethyl group is equatorial, while in HEBA it is axial. All NH and OH hydrogen bond donor groups form hydrogen bonds. The acidic hydrogen atom H(5) in EBA is not hydrogen bonded. The non-hydrogen-bonded carbonyl oxygen atom 0(6) makes close approaches (2.93 and 3.04/~) to carbonyl carbon atoms C(4) and C(6) of an adjacent molecule.