Primeiramente, agradeço a Deus, pois foi Ele que me deu condições e me conduziu até onde estou.Em seguida, agradeço ao meu pai Noel Antonio de Souza e a minha mãe Maria Izabel Teixeira de Souza, pois dedicaram as suas vidas para que eu e meu irmão tivéssemos boas oportunidades.Agradeço aos demais familiares que me deram apoio, em especial ao meu irmão Drayton Mizael de Souza, contribuindo para o meu bem-estar e crescimento pessoal.Agradeço também aos amigos e colegas que me apoiaram, muitas vezes agindo como família.Agradeço à minha orientadora Ellen Francine Barbosa, pois me deu apoio acadêmico e pessoal durante praticamente toda a minha vida acadêmica.Agradeço ao professor Michael Kölling e a University of Kent at Canterbury (UKC) que me aceitaram para um estágio no exterior, contribuindo para o meu trabalho e para a minha formação pessoal.Agradeço aos demais professores que contribuíram para a minha formação profissional e pessoal, sejam do ICMC-USP, de outras instituições ou dos tempos de escola.Destes mesmos lugares, agradeço aos demais funcionários e servidores que me prestaram serviços de forma atenciosa e dedicada. The assessment of programming assignments is a costly task. Several tools have been proposed and developed in order to automate the repetitive tasks performed by instructors in the assessment of programming assignments and provide a faster and more adequate feedback to students. However, adding a new tool increases the overload of new information and environments that students have to deal with. Similarly, the assessment tool is one more resource that the instructor has to configure, maintain and teach students to use, spending time and effort that could be used in other pedagogical activities. For this reason, several works have been conducted to integrate assessment tools for programming assignments in learning management systems (LMSs). The integration of assessment tools into LMSs promotes their adoption in computing courses, since they will be in agreement with the LMS already familiar to students and instructors, without the need to adopt, learn and manage the submission and correction of assignments in another environment. However, these works consist only of abstract conceptual models, do not propose integration with several LMSs, or do not address certain specific difficulties faced when integrating assessment tools. In this perspective, this work aims at the proposition of the IMPACTLE architecture, a solution that allows the integration of different assessment tools for programming assignments in LMSs. The idea is that students and teachers can access the features of the tools through the LMSs they are already used to, without the need to learn how to use and adopt a new tool. Architecture prototypes were instantiated and experiments were carried out involving the use of different assessment tools through LMSs. In general, we noticed that the use of IMPACTLE enables instructors and students perform tasks related to programming activities in a more efficient, efficacious and effectiv...