Abstract-The viscosity-temperature relationships of nine melts in the NazO-FeO-Fe20&iO~ system (in equilibrium with air) have been measured in the temperature range of 145&800"C, using the concentric cylinder method. "Fe Miissbauer spectra were obtained on quenched samples and show that all melts with 220 mole% ferrite component contain ~95% Fe as tetrahedrally-coordinated ferric ions.The compositions investigated lie along the Sit&NaFe@ and NarSi,Os-NqFe.09 joins. The viscosities of melts decrease strongly with decreasing silicate content along these joins. In contrast. the temperature dependence of viscosity does not vary significantly along these joins.Comparison with equivalent melt compositions (related by the trivalent cation exchange operators AIFe_, , BFe_, and GaFe-,) in the Na20-Al201-SiOa, NarO-BaOTSi02 and Na#-Ga,0rSi02 systems, shows that viscosities decrease in the order aluminosilicate > ferrosilicate, (galliosilicate ?) > borosilicate.The electronegativities of the trivalent cations are inversely correlated with the relative viscosities of melts in these systems. Similarly. the electronegativities of network-stabilizing cations are inversely correlated with melt viscosity for alkali and alkaline-earth aluminosilicate melt systems. The variation in the viscosity of tectosilicate melts is correlated with estimated average T-O-T bond angles. and exothermic heats of solution of quench glasses. Structural controls of viscosity discussed are tetrahedral ordering and relative bond strengths.The acmite comnonent in natural. peralkaline, silicic volcanics will not contribute directly to high melt viscosities for these lavas.. VtsCosrTY IS PERHAPS the single most important physical property of magmas (and lavas) (WILLIAMS and MCBIRNEY. 1979; FISHER and SCHMINKE, 19843. For relatively dry, crystal-poor, peralkaline lavas such as those of the Kenya rift zone (BAILEY and MACDONALD, 1987) the determination of lava viscosity during eruptions is iargely a question of estimating '1) the temperature of eruption, and 2) the temperature-viscosity relationship of the erupted silicate melts whose compositions are probably very similar to the com~sitions of the glassy peralkaline rocks.One of the most diagnostic chemical expressions of peralkalinity in the Kenyan comendites, trachytes and pantelIerites is the presence of CIPW-normative acmite. Estimation of the eruptive viscosities of these Iavas is. therefore, hindered by the lack ofdata for the viscosity-tem~rature relationships in the system NazO-FeO-Fe*O,-SiOz, particularly for the acmite component. In fact, as noted by E~XTINGA and WEILL ( 1972). there is a paucity of viscosity data for highly oxidized iron-~a~ng silicate melts.A comparison of the viscosity-temperature relationships of ferric iron-and aluminum-bearing melts may provide further insight into the relationship between melt viscosity and melt structure because (like aluminum in the Na20-A&O,-SiO1 system) ferric iron appears to be in tetrahedral coordination in melts in the Na20-FeO-Fe203-Sit& system th...