The purpose of this article is to report an innovative technique for an increase vertical dimension with screwed denture fixation and intravenous sedation for the patients with severe deep bite. Bite raising is essential to maintain a long term stability of occlusion in the case of implant treatment associated with severe deep bite. Generally, a removable denture is used to increase occlusal vertical dimension for the first step of oral rehabilitation in the case of severe deep bite. However, these patients sometimes fail wearing removable denture for increasing vertical dimension, because of severe discomfort. On the other hand, an intravenous sedation is advantage that the patients fall asleep and is completely unaware of the procedure being performed. Therefore combination screwed denture fixation and intravenous sedation allowed to raise occlusal vertical dimension in implant treatment. In conclusion, this combined method using screwed denture and intravenous sedation are the most promising technique for implant treatment to raise the vertical occlusal dimension for the patients with severe deep bite. Keywords: Severe deep bite, Screwed denture, Bite raising, Implant fracture