The dry matter (OM) yield, cellulase OM disappearance (COMO) and herbage nitrogen (N) of sheep-grazed perennial ryegrass [Lotium perenne (L.)] during its establishment year was evaluated. Yield and quality Were monitored under N applications ranging from 120 to 720 kg N ha· 1 a· 1 . Total (perennial ryegrass and weeds) and perennial ryegrass OM yields increased with increasing levels of N up to 480 kg ha· 1 a· 1 • Conversely, weed OM yields declined with increasing N up to 480 kg ha· 1 a-1 . A logistic model predicting the response of perennial ryegrass DM yield to applied N also indicated little justification for applying N in excess of 500 kg ha· 1 a-1 • Although CDMO and herbage N increased throughout the range of N applied, such increase was Significant (P < 0.05) only up to 480 kg ha-1 a-1 . In terms of yield and quality, there is little justification for applying N in excess of 480 kg ha-1 a-1 to perennial ryegrass during its establishment year.