This is the first of a series of papers in which we introduce and study a rigorous "simplicial" realization of the non-Abelian Chern-Simons path integral for manifolds M of the form M = Σ × S 1 and arbitrary simply-connected compact structure groups G. More precisely, we will introduce, for general links L in M , a rigorous simplicial version WLO rig (L) of the corresponding Wilson loop observable WLO(L) in the so-called "torus gauge" by Blau and Thompson (Nucl. Phys. B408(2): 1993). For a simple class of links L we then evaluate WLO rig (L) explicitly in a non-perturbative way, finding agreement with Turaev's shadow invariant |L|.
AMS subject classifications: 57M27, 81T08, 81T452 Chern-Simons theory on M = Σ × S 1 in the torus gauge
Chern-Simons theoryLet us fix a simply-connected compact Lie group 2 G with Lie algebra g.For every smooth manifold M , every real vector space V and every n ∈ N 0 we will denote by Ω n (M, V ) the space of V -valued n-forms on M and we setBy G M we will denote the "gauge group" C ∞ (M, G). We will usually write A instead of A M = Ω 1 (M, g) and G instead of G M .In the following we will restrict ourselves to the special case where M is an oriented closed 3-manifold. Moreover, we will consider only the special case where G is simple (cf. Remark 2.2 1 or, rather, Abelian BF3-models, cf. the beginning of Sec. 5 below 2 cf. part A of the Appendix for concrete formulas in the special case G = SU (2) 3 More precisely, the normalization is chosen such that α,α = 2 for every short real corootα w.r.t. any fixed Cartan subalgebra of g. Observe that after making the identification t ∼ = t * which is induced by ·, · we have α, α = 2 for every long root α. Thus the normalization here coincides with the one in [68]. This normalization guarantees that the exponential exp(iSCS) is "gauge invariant", i.e. invariant under the standard G-operation on A 4 i.e. a smooth embedding S 1 → M 5 observe that if G is simple then every Ad-invariant scalar product on g is proportional to the Killing form ad(B(σ))) = Ad(exp(B(σ))) and that k is an Ad |T -invariant subspace of g 13 the notation [Σ, G/T ] is motivated by the fact that C ∞ (Σ, G/T )/GΣ coincides with the set of homotopy classes of maps Σ → G/T , cf. Proposition 3.2 in [40] 14 observe that for b ∈ t the valueḡbḡ −1 will not depend on the special choice of g