The Ginga X-ray spectra of the two binary X-ray pulsars, 4U 1907]09 and Vela X-1, were analyzed for e †ects due to electron cyclotron resonance. For this purpose, a new continuum spectral model, called NPEX, was developed. The NPEX model, combined with the classical cyclotron scattering line proÐle, was Ðrst tested against the Ginga spectra (typically in 2È50 keV) of Her X-1, 4U 0115]63, 4U 1538[52, X0331]53, and Cep X-4 and was conÐrmed to reproduce successfully their overall spectra including the previously known cyclotron resonance features. Through application of the same model to the pulsephaseÈaveraged and phase-resolved Ginga spectra, it was conÐrmed that 4U 1907]09 and Vela X-1 exhibit fundamental cyclotron resonances at D20 and D25 keV, respectively. The data for both objects are also consistent with the presence of the second-harmonic resonances, which were discovered with hard X-ray experiments. Including these two examples, the cyclotron resonance e †ects are now established in about a dozen binary X-ray pulsars. Their surface magnetic Ðeld strengths, implied by their resonance energies, apparently distribute over a narrow range of (1È4) ] 1012 G. Although the fewer number of higher Ðeld objects may be an instrumental selection e †ect, the lack of objects with magnetic Ðelds of (0.2È1) ] 1012 G is concluded to be real. A limited number of ASCA data are utilized to reinforce this conclusion. These results suggest that the magnetic Ðeld of binary X-ray pulsars do not decay signiÐcantly at least in D108 yr.