Quantitative depth pro les of deuterium up to very large depths are achieved from the energy spectra of protons created by the D( 3 He,p)α nuclear reaction at incident energies up to 6 MeV. The advantages of this method compared to the more often applied resonance method are discussed. For light target materials the achievable depth resolution is mainly limited by geometrical spread due to the nite size of the detector aperture, while for heavy materials the resolution is mainly limited by multiple small-angle scattering. A reasonable depth resolution throughout the whole analyzed depth can be obtained by using several di erent incident energies. Depth pro ling up to 38 µm is demonstrated for a-C:D layers deposited on the limiter of Tore Supra, and up to 7.5 µm in tungsten coatings from the divertor of ASDEX Upgrade.