“…FDIM1 and CRB: figure-of-eight (90 mm) | Pre/Post 5, 25 min | HC and PD: ↓ MEP ↓ symptoms | Bologna et al (2015) [38] | 11 HC 16 ET | Right CRB Sham (neck muscles) | cTBS | 600 pulses 80 % AMT | 2 randomized | Right FDI | M1 and CRB: figure-of-eight | Pre/Post 5, 45 min | HC: ↓ MEP RC
↔ symptoms |
Bologna et al (2015) [37] | 10 HC 13 RT | Ipsi. CRB to tremor hand Sham (neck muscles) | cTBS | 600 pulses 80 % AMT | 2 randomized | FDI (tremor hand) | M1 and CRB: figure-of-eight | Pre/Post 5, 45 min | HC and RT: ↓ MEP RC
↔ symptoms |
Harrington et al (2015) [39] | 13 HC | Right CRB | cTBS iTBS Sham TBS | 600 pulses 80 % AMT (6 subjects) 90 % AMT (7 subjects) | 3 randomized crossover | Right FDI | M1 and CRB: figure-of-eight | Pre/Post | cTBS: ↓ MEP |
AD Alzheimer’s disease, AMT active motor threshold, APB abductor pollicis brevis, CBI cerebellar brain inhibition, CBI
RC cerebellar brain inhibition recruitment curve, CRB cerebellum, Contra contralateral, CSP cortical silent period, ET essential tremor, FDI first dorsal interosseous, HC healthy controls, ICF intracortical facilitation, Isps ipsilateral, LICI long interval intracortical inhibition, M1 primary motor cortex, MEP motor evoked potential, MEP
RC motor evoked potential recruitment curve, MSO maximal stimulator output, PAS paired-associative stimulation, PCS posterior circulation stroke, PD Parkinson’s disease, PSP progressive supranuclear palsy, SAI short latency afferent inhibition, SAI
RC short latency afferent inhibition recruitment curve, SICI short interval intracortical inhibition, SICF short interval intracortical facilitation, WD writing dystonia