High‐turbidity events (HTEs) are common phenomena in shallow‐water environments that can alter ecological interactions. The relative contributions of river input (external loading) vs. resuspension (internal loading) to the occurrence, duration, and influenced areas of HTEs are not fully understood in most systems, owing to the lack of long‐term, source‐specified sediment maps. Using a Finite Volume Community Ocean Model‐based wave‐current forced sediment model, we investigated sediment dynamics in the shallow, river‐dominated Western Lake Erie during ice‐free cycles (April–November) of 2002–2012. Results indicated that wind waves predominated sediment dynamics in the offshore areas, with river discharges causing substantial inshore to offshore gradients. Owing to varying wind waves and river discharges, both the mean and extreme sediment dynamics had distinctive seasonal variations. The basin was turbid during spring and fall, with frequent (> 15%), broad (O [102–103 km2]), and more persistent (means of 3.2/4.4 d during spring/fall) HTEs caused mainly by resuspension events. During summer, the basin was clearer with occasional (< 1%), small (O [1–102 km2]), and short (mean of 1.5 d) HTEs near the mouths generated by pulsing river loadings. Although river loading rarely induced basin‐wide HTEs, they were important during floods, enlarging the high‐turbidity areas by 11.3%. Overall, by delineating the drivers of HTEs in Western Lake Erie, this study furthered the understanding of sediment dynamics in shallow ecosystems and provides a basis for investigating the ecological impact of sediments from different sources in river‐ and wave‐energetic systems.