The dynamic conductance of carbon nanotubes was investigated using the nonequilibrium Green's function formalism within the context of a tight-binding model. Specifically, we have studied the ac response of tubes of different helicities, both with and without defects, and an electronic heterojunction. Because of the induced displacement currents, the dynamic conductance of the nanotubes differs significantly from the dc conductance displaying both capacitive and inductive responses. The important role of photonassisted transport through nanotubes is revealed and its implications for experiments discussed.PACS numbers: 72.80. Rj, 73.61.Wp Depending on their helicity, single-wall nanotubes are either metallic or semiconducting [1,2], and therefore have the potential of forming the basis of a future, nanotubebased molecular electronics [2][3][4]. To explore this exciting possibility, the electronic properties of nanotubes have been the subject of numerous theoretical [1-10] and experimental investigations [11][12][13][14]. So far, the nanotubebased electronic devices that have been investigated have relied on the dc response of the nanotubes. It is, however, well known that the ac response of devices is at least equally, and often even more, important for understanding and designing high speed applications. ac transport measurements are of great interest because they provide information about the electrochemical capacitance, the nonequilibrium charge distribution, the dynamic coupling of devices, and the transport dynamics of a conductor. Moreover, the induced charges within a conductor, on a nearby gate, or on the surface of an electron reservoir can all play an important role in determining ac transport. These features all give rise to significant complications in the formulation of transport theory at the nanometer length scale, and are the focus of current, ongoing theoretical research [15,16]. In this Letter, we report on a theoretical investigation of the dynamic conductance of single-wall carbon nanotubes, both with and without defects. The resulting dynamic conductance differs substantially from the dc conductance, as the tubes display both capacitive and inductive behavior. We also show that the ac transport through nanotube-based devices is strongly influenced by photon-assisted transmission, and suggest a number of ways in which these predictions may be tested. While the details of our results are specific for nanotubes, we believe that our calculations describe general features of the ac conductance of materials at the nanometer length scale.While quantum transport under dc condition is well understood [17,18], the ac response of systems is complicated by the presence of time-dependent fields that can take the system out of equilibrium. Under ac conditions, electrodynamics shows that displacement currents are induced, which can substantially alter the transport properties of the system [15]. In order to predict the dynamic conductance of nanoscale conductors such as the carbon nanotubes, the inclusio...