Codimension one webs are configurations of finitely many codimension one foliations in general position. Much of the classical theory evolved around the concept of abelian relation: a functional relation among the first integrals of the foliations defining the web reminiscent of Abel's addition theorem in classical algebraic geometry. The abelian relations of a given web form a finite dimensional vector space with dimension (the rank of the web) bounded by Castelnuovo number π(n, k) where n is the dimension of the ambient space and k is the number of foliations defining the web. A fundamental problem in web geometry is the classification of exceptional webs, that is, webs of maximal rank not equivalent to the dual of a projective curve. Recently, J.-M. Trépreau proved that there are no exceptional k-webs for n ≥ 3 and k ≥ 2n. In dimension two there are examples for arbitrary k and the classification problem is wide open.In this paper, we classify the exceptional Completely Decomposable Quasi-Linear (CDQL) webs globally defined on compact complex surfaces. By definition, the CDQL (k + 1)-webs are formed by the superposition of k linear foliations and one non-linear foliation. For instance, we show that up to projective transformations there are exactly four countable families and thirteen sporadic exceptional CDQL webs on P 2 .