The Univalent Foundations project constitutes what is arguably the most serious challenge to set-theoretic foundations of mathematics since intuitionism. Like intuitionism, it differs both in its philosophical motivations and its mathematicallogical apparatus. In this paper we will focus on one such difference: Univalent Foundations' reliance on an intensional rather than extensional logic, through its use of intensional Martin-Löf type theory. To this, UF adds what may be regarded as certain extensionality principles, although it is not immediately clear how these principles are to be interpreted philosophically. In fact, this framework gives an interesting example of a kind of border case between intensional and extensional mathematics. Our main purpose will be the philosophical investigation of this system, and the relation of the concepts of intensionality it satisfies to more traditional philosophical or logical concepts such as those of Carnap and Quine.Keywords Univalent Foundations · Homotopy type theory · Intensionality · Identity
The Univalent Foundations projectThe Univalent Foundations (UF) project is an approach to the foundations of mathematics currently under rapid development. It entails a major change both in philosophical motivation and form, ultimately taking its main inspiration from geometry rather than grammar or traditional logic. Michael Harris-himself working in the rather different field of number theory, and not being a fan of "Foundations" for math-B Staffan Angere