This paper aims to review the state of national biosecurity planning. The authors recognised tourist vectoring can increase the risk of invasive alien species (IAS) and disease; representing substantial biosecurity risk for tourism destinations worldwide. This research assesses the provision of biosecurity mitigation measures within national biosecurity plans and guidelines internationally. The author’s position in this issue contends that a lack of sufficient biosecurity risk management and planning in place for tourism could have severe impacts on a destination’s environment, society, and economy.
The authors systematically reviewed national biosecurity planning through a mixed-method research approach. Frist, essential criteria identified from international literature allowed for content analysis to assess specific national biosecurity plans and strategies. Second, qualitative data was then gathered by conducting semi-structured interviews within national governing bodies and organisations.
Planning for tourism biosecurity varies around the world with some destinations demonstrating highly evolved plans such as Hawaii, New Zealand, and Australia. However, this is not the case in Ireland where planning for biosecurity at a national level is severely limited. Biosecurity planning, pathway management, communication, quarantine and plans for tourism risk are inadequate to prevent the introduction and spread of IAS and disease in Ireland. Recommendations offer destinations globally and with “island status” an opportunity for biosecurity to be improved by using surveillance, communication, guidelines and specific capacities at the border stages within a specific national biosecurity plan.
This review on the state of national planning for biosecurity provides new knowledge specifically for tourism destinations worldwide, which can adopt the essential elements identified within this research for a national tourism biosecurity risk framework.