This paper looks at how well ChatGPT and DeepL, two AI tools, translate literary works. Not only can ChatGPT translate text, but it can also carry out other jobs. DeepL is a service that performs computer translation and uses neural networks. The paper looks at how ChatGPT and DeepL translate books, poems, and dialogues compared to translations done by humans. The paper also talks about the pros and cons of using machine translation for literary reasons, including issues of creativity, style, and adapting to different cultures. The paper uses both new and old studies on machine translation technologies and how they work with human translation. The paper comes to the conclusion that ChatGPT and DeepL are useful but imperfect tools for translating literature, and they require human review and improvement. The paper adds to the fields of machine translation and natural language processing by looking at how two cutting-edge AI tools, ChatGPT and DeepL, can be used to translate literary works. The paper also adds to literature studies and digital humanities by looking into what machine translation can and can't do for creative writing and dialog systems. The goal of the paper is to encourage researchers, translators, writers, and users from different fields to work together and talk to each other. β€