Biologically active metals in human tissues. I. The effect of age and sex on the concentration of copper in aorta, heart, kidney, liver, lung, pancreas and skeletal Vuori E, Huunan-Seppälä A, Kilpiö JO 4 (1978) 167-175. Autopsy specimens of aorta, heart, kidney, liver, lung, pancreas and skeletal muscle were collected from 86 accident victims. The ,capper concentration~n each tissue was determined w1th aJtomic absorption spectrophotometry. The descending order of the tissues in respect to capper COThcenltrartJiJon was: liver, heart, kidn'ey, pan-cr,eas, lung, muscle, and aorta. No signdfioaoIlJt difference was found in 1Jhe oopper leV€lls of samples from male and female autopsies. When the effect of age on the averag,e copper concentration was studied, liver and kidney showed oa decreaffiJng concentrntiQn .up to matumy, the copper oonoenltratdon in pancreas and s'keIetal muscle showed a