This paper explores the potential of blockchain technology in enhancing the fisheries industry, focusing on traceability, sustainability, and economic efficiency. The fisheries sector plays a vital role in global food security but faces significant challenges, including illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, overfishing, and inefficiencies in supply chain management. This systematic literature review synthesizes existing research on blockchain applications in fisheries, highlighting its capacity to improve transparency and accountability throughout the supply chain. Blockchain’s immutable ledger and real-time data sharing can enhance traceability, allowing stakeholders to verify the origins of seafood products and ensure compliance with sustainability standards. Additionally, the technology can reduce transaction costs by eliminating intermediaries, thereby increasing profit margins for fishermen. Despite the numerous benefits, challenges such as integration with existing systems and the need for stakeholder collaboration must be addressed for successful implementation. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on blockchain in the fisheries sector and offers insights for policymakers and industry stakeholders seeking to leverage technology for sustainable practices.