Aqueous iodine (I 2(aq) ) is a potent disinfectant that is being evaluated as a soil sanitizer for agricultural fields and a water purification treatment for the International Space Station. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants were grown in solution culture containing different I compounds at approximately 0, 18, or 30 µM total I [I 2(aq) + iodide (I − )] consisting of 0, 6, and 20 µM I as I 2(aq) , respectively. In addition, humic acid (HA) was added to half the treatments. Most I 2(aq) was electrochemically reduced to the endpoint metabolite I − within 24 h with HA promoting the response. Plants receiving the highest dose of I 2(aq) , particularly those in treatments without HA, had the least growth and the greatest biomass I concentrations. Roots from both I 2(aq) treatments without HA were periodically sampled for bacteria. Viable and direct caints of bacterial cell density declined with increasing I 2(aq) concentrations within the first hour after treatment application. However, cell densities recovered within 96 hours and eventually surpassed the control treatment cell density. Additionally, the resulting high viable: direct count density ratio suggests that opportunistic species likely dominated the post I 2(aq) environment.Abbreviations: DAT -days after transplanting; HA -humic acid; HEDTA -N-(2-hydroxyethyl)ethylenedinitrilotriacetic acid; RGR -relative growth rate.