“…-distributors looking to gain access to new markets, regional governments seeking to procure greater economic development, buyers looking for differentiated, exclusive products to extend their range of offerings, food writers and journalists planning to write on the new cultural cache of cheese, academics carving out new research spaces, an organization seeking to extend its legitimacy as a cultural economic actor -each with strategic interests and partial knowledge, and each actively engaged in the creation of value. The difference with Cheese!, and what makes it such a valuable site of study, is that each of these 'actors' who typically "encounter and construct a commodity at different moments in its circulation" are copresent (Foster 2006;288). Multiple locals, and the locales they represent, convene to give shape to the space of a transnational economy, and reveal the knowledge, interests, social relations, mutuality, interactions, devices, and instruments involved in configuring that space; shattering the notion of the defined, delineated and bounded 'local' that lies at the heart of Slow Food's organizational strategy and revealing it as a quality actively produced and attached to cheese in the simultaneous production of a transnational product space.…”