Given the threats that tropical cyclones (TC) pose to people and infrastructure, there is significant interest in how the climatology of these storms may change with climate. The global historical record has been extensively examined, but it is short and plagued with recurring questions about its homogeneity, limiting its effectiveness at assessing how TCs vary with climate. Past warm intervals provide an opportunity to quantify TC behavior in a warmer-than-present world. Here, we use a TC-resolving (∼25 km) global atmospheric model to investigate TC activity during the mid-Pliocene warm period (3.264−3.025 Ma) that shares similarities with projections of future climate. Two experiments, one driven by the reconstructed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and the other by the SSTs from an ensemble of mid-Pliocene simulations, consistently predict enhanced global-average peak TC intensity during the mid-Pliocene coupled with longer duration, increased power dissipation, and a poleward migration of the location of peak intensity. The simulations are similar to global TC changes observed during recent global warming, as well as those of many future projections, providing a window into the potential TC activity that may be expected in a warmer world. Changes to power dissipation and TC frequency, especially in the Pacific, are sensitive to the different SST patterns, which could affect the viability of the role of TCs as a factor for maintaining a reduced zonal SST gradient during the Pliocene, as recently hypothesized.mid-Pliocene | tropical cyclone | TC-resolving climate modeling T ropical cyclones (TCs), one of the most serious natural hazards, pose significant threats to people and infrastructure in coastal regions worldwide. Both theory and modeling studies indicate that mean TC intensity and the frequency of the most intense TCs will likely increase with upward shifts in global temperatures (1-3), and there is evidence for past and projected changes in the latitude of peak TC intensity and TC hazard exposure (4, 5). Studies of how TCs respond to simulations of periods with different climate characteristics in Earth's history may complement these efforts and offer opportunities to better comprehend the processes involved through more varied external forcing.The mid-Pliocene (3.264−3.025 Ma) represents the most recent period of prolonged global warmth on a geological timescale (6). It features a continental configuration similar to present-day and higher CO 2 levels and arguably provides a potential analog to future greenhouse gas conditions. Benefiting from the Pliocene Research, Interpretation and Synoptic Mapping (PRISM) project (7-10) and Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project (PlioMIP) (11), our knowledge on the thermal structure of the mid-Pliocene ocean is considerably improved. The latest PRISM4 reconstruction (10, 12) indicates stable temperature in the equatorial western Pacific and significant warming in the eastern part during the mid-Pliocene, whereas the PlioMIP models (13) predict higher temperatures (...