Background: Anal dilation during tumour excision with transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) has caused concerns regarding postoperative anal function. We sought to determine whether TEM affects anorectal function and quality of life. Results: Forty patients received TEM; 30 of them met all inclusion criteria and agreed to participate. The median age was 70 (42-93) years, and median follow-up time between the interview and the operation was 365 (55-712) days. Tumours excised included 19 adenomas, 8 carcinomas and 3 carcinoid tumours. The median distance from the tumour to the anal verge was 6.5 (2-13) cm. Median length of stay was 1 (0-12) day. For most aspects of quality of life, there were no detectable differences after surgery. The EORTC QLQ-C30 showed a significant improvement in diarrhea (27.8 v. 10, p = 0.002). The FIQL scores improved with surgery (3.59 v. 3.85, p = 0.020). There was no difference in pre-versus postoperative FISI scores (6.7 v. 6.3, p = 0.93).
Conclusion:Despite a large operating rectoscope, TEM improves quality of life related to fecal incontinence and does not have a negative impact on fecal continence.Contexte : La dilatation de l'anus au cours de l'excision d'une tumeur par microchirurgie endoscopique transanale (MET) soulève des préoccupations quant à la fonction anale postopératoire. Nous avons cherché à déterminer si la MET a un effet sur la fonction anorectale et la qualité de vie.