Abstract. We rigorously prove a new kind of anomalous (or sub-ballistic) Lieb-Robinson bound for the isotropic XY chain with Fibonacci external magnetic field at arbitrary coupling. It is anomalous in that the usual exponential decay in |x|−v|t| is replaced by exponential decay in |x|−v|t| α with 0 < α < 1. In fact, we can characterize the values of α for which such a bound holds as those exceeding α + u , the upper transport exponent of the one-body Fibonacci Hamiltonian. Following the approach of [14], we relate Lieb-Robinson bounds to dynamical bounds for the one-body Hamiltonian corresponding to the XY chain via the Jordan-Wigner transformation; in our case the one-body Hamiltonian with Fibonacci potential. We can bound its dynamics by adapting techniques developed in [8, 9, 2, 4] to our purposes. To our knowledge, this is the first rigorous derivation of anomalous quantum many-body transport.Along the way, we prove a new result about the one-body Fibonacci Hamiltonian: the upper transport exponent agrees with the time-averaged upper transport exponent, see Corollary 2.9. We also explain why our method does not extend to yield anomalous Lieb-Robinson bounds of power-law type for the random dimer model.