To provide educational and learning services to students during the Covid-19 Pandemic, learning is carried out by learning from home. The disparity in learning achievements, especially related to attitude competencies, is strongly experienced during learning from home. This study aims to integrate attitude values through learning with Ki Hajar Dewantara’s scaffolding concept comprising Identifying, Imitating, Developing, Disseminating respectively. This scaffolding is applied to strengthen the character of junior high school students in Yogyakarta Special Province to become Pancasila Students. This is a Research and Development study which applies a qualitative approach. Respondents to this study were teachers, principals, students, parents and junior high school supervisors in this province. Data were collected using focus group discussion, interview, observation.. Data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman models which comprised data reduction, data display and inference stages. The results of this study is a character education strengthening model during learning from home applying Ki Hajar Dewantara’s scaffolding concept. This model contributes to policy making of character education strengthening during the learning from home online.