“…To enhance the reliability of SIMMER-III code for reactor safety evaluation, in the past, a comprehensive and systematic assessment program of the code was conducted in two steps [7,17,19]: Phase 1, for fundamental assessment of individual code models, and Phase 2, for integral code assessment. Phase 1 assessment applied the code to single and multiphase flow benchmark problems, small-scale experiments with reactor and simulant materials, and physical problems with known solutions, while Phase 2 assessment involved applications of the code to integral and complex multiphase situations relevant to accident analyses, such as boiling and nonboiling pool dynamics [7,17,25], fuel relocation and freezing [26], fuel-coolant interaction [27,28], core expansion dynamics, and disrupted core neutronics. The above two-step program was successfully conducted in collaboration with the European partners KIT (formerly known as FZK), CEA, and IRSN.…”