The thermalization of resonantly excited two-dimensional excitons in GaAs/Al 0.33 Ga 0.67 As superlattices is studied using time-resolved photoinduced intersubband absorption. Resonantly photogenerated excitons are sharply distributed in momentum space around the wave vector of their parent photons. We measured the time it takes for these excitons to redistribute evenly over the whole superlattice Brillouin zone and found it to be a few tens of picoseconds. This time depends on the initial density of excitons N X as N X Ϫ0.7 and on the superlattice period L z approximately as L z Ϫ8 . We discuss an excitonic momentum space self-diffusion model, which describes the strong dependence on the superlattice period. We conjecture that exciton-exciton scattering is the dominant cause for this diffusion.The dynamics of charge carriers and excitons in semiconductor quantum structures has been a subject for extensive research during recent years. 1-5 Following short-pulse optical excitation, the photogenerated electron-hole ͑e-h͒ pairs or excitons are initially phase coherent and their center-of-mass motion has a sharp k-space distribution centered at the generating photon momentum. The photogenerated carriers and excitons interact among themselves and with the crystal, and gradually lose their common phase, momentum, and energy. They lose their phase coherence on a subpicosecond time scale 6,7 and their distribution evolves into a thermal one within few picoseconds ͑ps͒. 2,3 The thermalized population then reaches thermal equilibrium with the lattice via a slower rate interaction with acoustic phonons. 1 In this work, we apply time-resolved visible-infrared ͑IR͒ dual-beam spectroscopy to directly measure the ps evolution of the excitonic distribution function in superlattices ͑SL's͒. By resonantly pumping undoped GaAs/AlGaAs SL's we exclusively photogenerate heavy-hole ͑HH͒ excitons with their center-of-mass momentum equal to the photon momentum. By means of exciton-exciton ͑X-X͒ scattering, the excitons exchange momentum among themselves, until the entire population eventually reaches thermal distribution. We probe the photoinduced absorption ͑PIA͒ spectrum due to optical transitions between the SL conduction subbands and measure its temporal evolution. In the process of probing the SL subband PIA spectrum we temporarily promote an electron from the lowest conduction subband (E1) into the first excited one (E2). Thus, the probe photon energy is equal to the E2-E1 energy difference in the presence of a heavy hole in its lowest HH1 level. 8 Therefore, due to the E1-E2 dispersion, by scanning the probe photon energy, we indirectly measure the E1-HH1 excitonic population distribution along the k z direction in momentum space. For resonant excitation into the E1-HH1 exciton, the excitonic population is sharply distributed around the photon wave vector, which is very small. Thus, by measuring the evolution of the PIA spectrum we closely follow the thermalization process of the resonantly excited excitonic population. We note ...