The Arthur Lineament of northwestern Tasmania is a Cambrian (510 Ϯ 10 Ma) high-strain metamorphic belt. In the south it is composed of metasedimentary and mafic meta-igneous lithologies of the 'eastern' Ahrberg Group, Bowry Formation and a high-strain part of the Oonah Formation. Regionally, the lineament separates the Rocky Cape Group correlates and 'western' Ahrberg Group to its west from the relatively low-strain parts of the Oonah Formation, and the correlated Burnie Formation, to its east. Early folding and thrusting caused emplacement of the allochthonous Bowry Formation, which is interpreted to occur as a fault-bound slice, towards the eastern margin of the parautochthonous 'eastern' Ahrberg Group metasediments. The early stages of formation of the Arthur Lineament involved two folding events. The first deformation (CaD1) produced a schistose axial-planar fabric and isoclinal folds synchronous with thrusting. The second deformation (CaD2) produced a coarser schistosity and tight to isoclinal folds. South-plunging, north-south stretching lineations, top to the south shear sense indicators, and south-verging, downward-facing folds in the Arthur Lineament suggest south-directed transport. CaF1 and CaF2 were rotated to a north-south trend in zones of high strain during the CaD2 event. CaD3, later in the Cambrian, folded the earlier foliations in the Arthur Lineament and produced west-dipping steep thrusts, creating the linear expression of the structure.KEY WORDS: Arthur Lineament, Cambrian, strain, structure, Tasmania, Tyennan Orogeny.*Corresponding author and present address: Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia ( amphibolites, which the granitoid intrudes, have been correlated with the Kanunnah Subgroup, which has a preferred age of 650-580 Ma (Crawford 1992). We conclude that the Bowry Formation cannot be a lithostratigraphic correlative of the Kanunnah Subgroup or any part of the Ahrberg Group. Turner and Bottrill (2001) discussed the problems associated with large differences in metamorphic history between the Bowry Formation and other parts of the 'Timbs Group' and concluded that the Bowry Formation had a faulted margin against the remainder of the 'Timbs Group', with a metamorphic grade difference across the fault. The western section of the 'Timbs Group' is interpreted here as a parautochthonous slice of the Ahrberg Group, and is referred to in this paper as the 'eastern' Ahrberg Group. The autochthonous Ahrberg Group is referred to as the 'western' Ahrberg Group. The Bowry Formation is referred to here as a separate unit with no specific correlates. The Bowry Formation is fault bounded in the southern Arthur Lineament, has internal evidence of a different metamorphic history (Turner & Bottrill 2001) and is probably much older. There are other fault-bounded units within the Arthur Lineament, in particular, east of the Bowry Formation and faulted against the high-strain Oonah Formation is a block of material that is similar in appearance to t...