The Comprehensive Behavioral (ComB) model of treatment for trichotillomania (TTM) and other body-focused repetitive behaviors offers a framework for individualized, flexible intervention based on functional analysis. This case report focuses on the treatment of a patient who enrolled in the first randomized clinical trial of ComB for TTM (Carlson et al., 2021) as well as a long-term follow-up of participants from that trial conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic (Flannery et al., in press). Walter (pseudonym) entered the treatment trial at 69, having had TTM since age 17 but not received treatment for it. Walter showed clinically significant improvement in treatment, ultimately abstaining from hair pulling for two years. A single case from a parallel-groups trial cannot support strong conclusions about why his results were favorable, but qualitative review of Walter’s experience in therapy suggested that allowing him a good deal of collaborative input on the specific methods of implementation of ComB principles was helpful. Along with the general literature on patient age as a predictor of therapy outcome, Walter’s case serves as a reminder that older adults, even those with highly chronic clinical conditions, can benefit greatly from psychotherapy.