“…TRPV4 mutations cause complex phenotypes with both inter-and intra-familial phenotypic variability, the unifying feature of all identified mutations being, as illustrated here, axonal neuropathy [2,10,22,31]. TRP A absence of response, ADM abductor digiti minimi, AH abductor hallucis, APB abductor pollicis brevis, CMAP compound muscle action potential, DML distal motor latency, EDB extensor digitorum brevis, ND not done, SCV sensory conduction velocity, SNAP sensory nerve action potential, TA tibialis anterior cation channels are polymodal cellular sensors that integrate diverse chemical and physical stimuli in many physiological processes [7,19,25]. Under the umbrella of TRPV4-related channelopathies there is an increasing spectrum of autosomal dominant disorders, including skeletal dysplasias, peripheral neuropathies, or both [5,31].…”