First-principles investigations combined with the nonequilibrium Green's function method are conducted to understand the spin-polarized transport property in graphene (Gr) based magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs). Our systematic and comparative investigation is not only restricted to junctions with Ni electrodes on both sides (symmetric junctions) but also the junctions where one side is Ni and the other is Co (non-symmetric junctions). The spin-resolved density of states and k-resolved transmission spectrum are analyzed to show tunneling behavior. In spite of low magnetic exchange couplings between the electrodes, spin filtering is quite sensitive to electrode material.
Distinct hybridization of the Grstates with symmetric and non-symmetric junctions is observed. Gr based junctions display higher transmission spectra indicating low contact resistance irrespective of the electrode material.Furthermore, the influence of different stacking of electrode layers on transport properties is also checked. Tunneling magnetoresistance ratios of Gr-based MTJs are drastically affected by the Fermi surfaces of electrodes. Both symmetric and non-symmetric junctions exhibit distinctive selection rules due to the incompatibility of wave functions of electrodes on both sides of the interface. Our present work reveals the importance of electrode materials for Grbased MTJs, which may be used to design next-generation spintronics applications.