The canonical interaction between a two-dimensional weak Gaussian disturbance (entropy spot, density spot, weak vortex) with an exothermic/endothermic planar shock wave is studied via the Linear Interaction Approximation. To this end, a unified framework based on an extended Kovasznay decomposition that simultaneously accounts for non-acoustic density disturbances along with a poloidal-toroidal splitting of the vorticity mode and for heat-release is proposed. An extended version of Chu's definition for the energy of disturbances in compressible flows encompassing multi-component mixtures of gases is also proposed. This new definition precludes spurious non-normal phenomena when computing the total energy of extended Kovasznay modes. Detailed results are provided for three cases, along with fully general expressions for mixed solutions that combine incoming vortical, entropy and density disturbances.where M t and M 1 are the upstream turbulent and mean Mach numbers, respectively. This criterion was later refined using DNS with higher resolution by Ryu & Livescu (2014), yieldingwith M t2 and M 2 the downstream (LIA-predicted) turbulent Mach number and the † Email address for correspondence: