The concept of political marketing, emerged with the use of marketing techniques in the field of politics, has attracted more attention of both academicians and politicians. Although there are many scientific studies in this particular field in Turkey, there is no current literature review regarding the studies yet. Therefore, the current study aims to bibliometrically evaluate the quantitative research methods of master's and doctoral theses published in the field of "Political Marketing" and "Political Marketing" in the database of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) National Thesis Center between 1998 and 2020 and to present a general picture of academic studies in the field of political marketing. In this context, a total of 74 master's and doctoral theses, were analyzed. In order not to cause problems during the analysis process, 6 theses that did not have a publication permission on the database were excluded from the scope of the research and 68 theses with a publication permission were evaluated.