Interest in construction industry innovation has been growing with the globalization and in parallel with change of the building production processes. However, despite its potential for gaining sustainable company performance, many construction companies have failed by management of innovation. In this context, the main theme of this study is to examine how technology capacity in construction companies changes according to the main innovation areas. The technology capacity and the integration of technology to organization is one of the main determinants of construction innovation. The main purpose of this study is to determine how the existence of different innovation areas in construction companies is related to the technology capacity features. A questioner survey was conducted to collect data from construction professionals, and they were asked assess their company's current position about technology capacity and activity level of predicted innovation areas-product, process, and organization. Independent sample t-test was employed to see the differentiation of technological capacity among different innovation types. The results indicate that the technology capacity of the construction companies, which are active in the fields of product, process, and organizational innovation, is in a varying strength.