Methanococcus maripaludis is a mesophilic archaeon that reduces CO 2 to methane with H 2 or formate as an energy source. It contains two membrane-bound energy-conserving hydrogenases, Eha and Ehb. To determine the role of Ehb, a deletion in the ehb operon was constructed to yield the mutant, strain S40. Growth of S40 was severely impaired in minimal medium. Both acetate and yeast extract were necessary to restore growth to nearly wild-type levels, suggesting that Ehb was involved in multiple steps in carbon assimilation. However, no differences in the total hydrogenase specific activities were found between the wild type and mutant in either cell extracts or membrane-purified fractions. Methanogenesis by resting cells with pyruvate as the electron donor was also reduced by 30% in S40, suggesting a defect in pyruvate oxidation. CO dehydrogenase/acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) synthase and pyruvate oxidoreductase had higher specific activities in the mutant, and genes encoding these enzymes, as well as AMP-forming acetyl-CoA synthetase, were expressed at increased levels. These observations support a role for Ehb in anabolic CO 2 assimilation in methanococci.Methanogens are strictly anaerobic archaea that produce methane as the major product of their energy metabolism. They play an important role in the global carbon cycle, processing 1 to 2% of the carbon fixed per year and producing most of the earth's atmospheric methane (10, 21). Methanococcus maripaludis is a mesophile that reduces carbon dioxide to methane with H 2 or formate as electron donor (10). In addition, M. maripaludis assimilates acetate and some amino acids as carbon sources when they are present (24,25,33). Progress in genetics tools (30), relatively fast growth (11), suitability for chemostats (7), and a complete genomic sequence (9) make M. maripaludis an excellent model for the physiology of hydrogenotrophic methanogens.Hydrogenases catalyze the reaction H 2 3 2 H ϩ ϩ 2 e Ϫ . These enzymes are indispensable for the growth of hydrogenotrophic methanogens, which use H 2 as an electron donor. M. maripaludis contains six nickel-iron hydrogenases, including two coenzyme F 420 -reducing hydrogenases and two non-F 420 -reducing hydrogenases (9). Of each of these pairs of enzymes, one contains a selenocysteinyl residue and the other contains a cysteinyl residue at the active site (3). In addition, M. maripaludis contains genes for two separate multisubunit energyconserving hydrogenases, Eha and Ehb (9). These open reading frames (ORFs) include subunits that are homologous to the NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase or complex I of mitochondria (1). In the methanogens, the energy-converting [NiFe] hydrogenase (Ech) has been purified and characterized from Methanosarcina barkeri (12,16). M. barkeri is only distantly related to the methanococci. Although it can reduce CO 2 to CH 4 , it also utilizes acetate and methanol as substrates for methanogenesis. In this organism, the complex Ech enzyme contains six subunits, two predicted integral membrane-spanning proteins and...