Cyclic voltammetry and constant current electrolysis studies of SOCIs/ LiAlC14 solutions showed that SOeCI~, SOCI+AICI4 -, SC12, AICI~, and C12 are produced as oxidation products. Mechanisms of oxidation reactions are proposed to explain the formation of these products. Forced overdischarge of cathode limited cells produces Li2S which reacts with LiAICl4 present in the cell to form LiAISC12. Materials formed in anode limited cells during forced overdischarge include SOsCI2, SC12, C12, SOCI+AICI4 -, AIC13, and a substance with infrared absorption at 1070 cm -I. "Charging" of Li/SOCI2 cells involves regenerative processes so that only small amounts of products accumulate in the cell. * Electrochemical Society Active Member.