In Aplysia, behavioral sensitization of defensive reflexes and the underlying presynaptic facilitation of sensory-to-motor neuron synapses lasts for several minutes (short term) or days to weeks (long term). Short-term sensitization has been explained by modulation ofion-channel function through cAMP-dependent protein phosphorylation. Long-term facilitation requires additional molecular changes including protein synthesis. A key event is the persistent activation of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase at baseline concentrations of cAMP. This activation is due to selective loss of regulatory (R) subunits ofPKA without any change in catalytic (C) subunits. To understand the molecular mechanisms that produce the loss of R subunits in long-term facilitation, we investigated how R subunits are degraded in extracts of Aplysia nervous tissue and in rabbit reticulocyte lysates. Degradation ofAplysia R subunits requires ATP, ubiquitin, and a particulate component that appears to be the proteasome complex. Degradation is blocked by hemin, which causes the accumulation of high molecular weight derivatives of R subunits that are likely to be ubiquitin conJugates of R subunits and intermediates in the degradative pathway. We also show that vertebrate RI and RI, subunits can be degraded through the ubiquitin pathway. We suggest that degradation is initiated by cAMP, which causes the holoenzyme to dissociate and, further, that the altered R-to-C ratio inAplysia sensory neurons is maintained in long-term facilitation by newly synthesized proteins that help target R subunits for accelerated degradation.In sensory-to-motor neuron synapses in Aplysia, cAMPdependent protein kinase (PKA) plays an important role in the presynaptic facilitation that underlies both short-term (1, 2) and long-term (3, 4) sensitization of defensive reflexes. In short-term facilitation, PKA modulates the function of ion channels directly (2,5). Several additional changes are needed to produce long-term facilitation, however, including protein synthesis (6,7). A key molecular event is the persistent activation of PKA in sensory neurons at basal concentrations of cAMP. Greenberg et al. (8) and Bergold et al. (9) showed that the amounts of regulatory (R) subunits of PKA are diminished in trained animals or after treatments that produce long-term facilitation in isolated ganglia. Since the amount of catalytic (C) subunits is not altered under these conditions, the loss of R subunits should lead to enhanced protein phosphorylation for prolonged periods (8,9). Earlier studies suggested that loss of R subunits results from accelerated proteolysis rather than from reduced synthesis (8-10). We therefore examined how R protein is degraded in Aplysia neurons.