uniform, continuous and dense layers and is thus more suitable for printed TFTs with larger channel dimensions. Several precursor routes for solution-processed metal-oxide semiconductor layers based on metal alkoxides, [ 14,15 ] and on metal salts such as acetates, nitrates, and chlorides have been reported. [ 16,17 ] Precursors based on metal nitrates have been shown to convert into metal oxides generally at lower temperatures than acetateor chloride-based precursors. [ 17,18 ] In contrast to metal alkoxides, metal nitrates are less sensitive to air humidity and can be processed via an aqueous precursor route. [ 7 ] Based on these advantages, metal nitrates show promise as potential precursor materials for printed low-temperature-processed metal-oxide semiconductors. A large amount of work has concentrated on lowering the conversion temperature of the precursor solutions to semiconducting metal-oxide layers. Functional TFTs have been obtained at ≈200 °C or below (1) via the careful design of precursor chemistry utilizing metal alkoxides with controlled hydrolysis, [ 14,15 ] combustion process, [ 11,19 ] or the addition of oxidizing agents, [ 20 ] (2) via the use of additional energy in conversion such as various wavelengths of UV light, [ 8,15,21 ] or microwaves, [ 22 ] or (3) by employing conditions during annealing that promote effi cient precursor conversion such as ozone or vacuum. [ 6,7,20 ] After the fi rst report on inkjet-printed metal oxide layers from metal chloride precursors by Lee et al. in 2007, [ 16 ] the deposition of metal-oxide semiconductor layers for TFTs has been successfully performed via several printing techniques. [ 4 ] In addition to inkjet-printing, [ 12,16,17,19,23 ] metaloxide TFTs have been fabricated with electrodynamic-jet, [ 24 ] spray pyrolysis, [ 9 ] gravure (glass substrate, 550 °C annealing), [ 25 ] and fl exographic printing (Si wafer, 450 °C annealing). [ 26 ] The inkjet, electrodynamic jet, and spray pyrolysis techniques are typically utilized in noncontact sheet-to-sheet batch processes while the contact gravure and fl exographic printing are readily available also as continuous high-throughput roll-to-roll processes. Also novel combinations of conventional vacuum processes and techniques well known from the fi eld of printing have been proposed to prepare metal-oxide TFTs on fl exible substrates such as inkjet-printed growth inhibitors for the patterning of atomic-layer-deposited (ALD) metal-oxide layers, [ 27 ] and transferring of vacuum-processed functional TFTs from rigid to fl exible substrates by a roll-transfer method. [ 28 ] The previous results clearly indicate the challenges in the processability of materials that need to be overcome to enable large-area electronics fabrication using the industrial high-throughput additive printing processes on fl exible low-cost substrates.In this work, for the fi rst time, the metal-oxide TFT fabrication process was performed on fl exible substrate using process technologies that are roll-to-roll-compatible and industrially...