The ability to tune resonant frequency in optical microcavities is an essential feature for many applications. Integration of electrical-based tuning as part of the fabrication process has been a key advantage of planar microresonant devices. Until recently, the combination of these features has not been available in devices that operate in the ultrahigh-Q regime where device quality factors ͑Q͒ can exceed 100 million. In this letter, we demonstrate an electrically tunable resonator on a chip with ultrahigh-quality factors. 4 Although wafer-scale tuning control has been available for devices operating in the Q regime below 100,000, such methods have not been available in the UHQ regime, where Q can exceed 100 million. Nonetheless, there remains keen interest in finding more practical ways to implement tuning control in this regime. 5,6 In this letter, we introduce electrical control of resonant frequency in an UHQ microtoroid by themooptic tuning. The significance of this result is that this represents an example of a UHQ microresonator with "integrated" electrical tuning. By including only two additional processing steps (lithography and metallization) into the prior fabrication process for the UHQ microtoroids, electrical control is implemented. The end result is a highly reproducible process through which chip-based electrically tunable microtoroids with Q factors in excess of 100 million are fabricated. Furthermore, since the devices themselves are produced on a silicon substrate and significant tuning range at subvolt levels is demonstrated, the integration of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor control circuitry with the devices is also possible. In addition to characterizing the static tuning characteristics of these devices, we also investigate their dynamic response including the use of a helium ambient atmosphere to isolate the specific source of the tuning time constant.The fabrication process with the exception of metallization steps is described in detail elsewhere.7 Briefly, it proceeds as follows (see Fig. 1). First, photolithography is performed on a highly p-doped ͑.001-.006 ⍀ cm͒ silicon wafer with a 2 m thick thermal oxide. The unexposed photoresist is used as an etch mask during immersion in buffered HF. These two steps define oxide disks of 100 m diameter with a 25 m wide contact hole concentrically located on the disk. All oxide on the back side of the wafer is also removed. A second photolithography step is performed in order to define a metal lift-off mask. 1000 Å of aluminum are thermally evaporated on both sides of the wafer in sequential deposition steps. The wafer is then immersed in acetone overnight releasing the excess aluminum and leaving aluminum contacts in the center of the oxide disks as well as the backside of the wafer. Ohmic contacts are formed by annealing the wafer in a tube furnace at 500°C in a nitrogen ambient. The remaining oxide disks act as etch masks during exposure to xenon difluoride ͑XeF 2 ͒ gas at 3 torr. Xenon difluoride isotropically etches the silicon su...