We numerically study the mechanisms of frequency comb generation in the mid-infrared spectral region from cwpumped silicon microring resonators. Coherent soliton comb generation may be obtained even for a pump with zero linear cavity detuning, through suitable control of the effective lifetime of free carriers from multiphoton absorption, which introduces a nonlinear cavity detuning via free-carrier dispersion. Conditions for optimal octave spanning Raman comb generation are also described. higher nonlinearity compared to silica, coupled with vanishing two-photon absorption (TPA) and associated free-carrier absorption (FCA) and dispersion (FCD) for photon energies below the silicon half-bandgap [2]. Recent experiments have demonstrated that siliconchip-based MIR frequency comb generation is critically dependent upon the possibility of reducing the lifetime of free carriers generated by three-photon absorption (3PA) [3]. In this work we present a numerical study of MIR frequency comb generation in silicon microresonators, which demonstrates that a proper control of the free-carrier lifetime (FCT) may enable a new route for stable soliton self-mode-locking of the comb. Indeed, multiphoton-absorption-induced FCD introduces a dynamic nonlinear cavity detuning, which replaces the need for a nonzero linear cavity detuning [4,5]. We also predict the highly efficient generation of MIR Raman frequency combs [6] from silicon microresonators.Time dynamics of frequency comb generation in silicon microresonators is described by a generalized nonlinear envelope equation for the field envelope A W p ∕m, which includes linear loss and dispersion, the Kerr effect, Raman scattering, TPA and 3PA, FCA and FCD [2,[5][6][7][8][9][10],coupled with the evolution equation for the averaged carrier density hN c τi,where τ is a continuous (slow) temporal variable that replaces the round-trip number, v g c∕n g and n g are the group velocity and refractive index at the pump carrier frequency ω 0 , k 0 ω 0 ∕c, τ sh 1∕ω 0 , and t is a retarded (fast) time. In Eq. (2), brackets denote average over the cavity circulation time t R : hXτi 1∕t R R t R ∕2 −t R ∕2 Xt; τdt, so that Eq. (2) describes the buildup of carriers within the cavity over many round trips, supposing that the FCT τ eff ≫ t R . The group-velocity dispersion (GVD) operator D reads asIn Eq.(1) the linear loss coefficient α α 0 ∕L with α 0 α d L θ∕2, α d represents distributed cavity loss and θ is the transmission coefficient between the resonator of length L and the bus waveguide. Moreover, σ is the FCA coefficient, μ is the FCD coefficient, β TPA is the TPA coefficient, δ 0 δ 0 ∕L ω R − ω 0 t R ∕L is the linear cavity detuning (where ω R is the closest linear cavity resonance to the pump frequency ω 0 ), f 0 θ p ∕LA in and A in the injected cw pump amplitude. The cavity boundary conditions impose the field to be t-periodic with period t R , i.e., Aτ; t Aτ; t t R . The nonlinear polarization reads as where ⊗ denotes convolution product, n 2 is the nonlinear index, and γ R is the Ra...