Ultrasound imaging has recently benefited from the introduction of a new 70 MHz transducer able to provide high-resolution images, i.e.: ultra-high-frequency ultrasound (UHFUS).
To study the morphological features of Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) and measure BCC thickness by means of UHFUS examination.
This retrospective multicentric study included 171 consecutive patients that underwent UHFUS examination between November 2018 and May 2019 for suspeted BCC. Diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology. A series of morphologic parameters including echogenicity, structure, borders, shape composition (i.e., presence of intralesional structures) were investigated along with objective measurements such as thickness (i.e., maximum distance between the surface of the epidermis and the deepest part of the tumor) and wideness.
A total of 117 BCC of superficial (n = 13; 11.1%), nodular (n = 64; 54.5%), infiltrative (n = 17; 14.5%), mixed subtype (n = 18; 16.1%) and other subtypes (n = 2; 1.8%) were examined. The most frequently observed UHFUS parameters included: hypoechoic signal (80/117, 68.4%, p < 0.0001), homogeneous structure (76/117, 65%, p = 0.012), well-defined borders (77/117, 65.8%, p = 0.0006) and elongated shape (71/117, 60.7%, p < 0.0001). An excellent correlation was found between the BCC thickness measured by UHFUS and the value estimated by histology (interclass correlation – ICC > 0.8).
UHFUS is a new rapid and easy non-invasive skin imaging technique able to provide data on the dimension and morphology of BCC in real-time and at bed-site. These characteristics makes UHFUS useful in a plethora of possible application, ranging from the pre-surgical mapping to the detection of disease recurrence to the treatment monitoring.