“…While many authors focus on the efficiency of WB's projects in specific countries and regions (Hansen;Tarp, 2000;Nath, 2005;Santiso, 2001;Ismi, 2004;Bourguingnon;Sundberg, 2005), in a literature one might name as aid effectiveness literature; others look into the WB through the lenses of what one may call governance literature, trying and understand the Bank's institutional arrangements and issues (Vikas, 2001;Griffith-Jones, 2002;Buira, 2005;Bhalla, 2006;Foch, 2007;Kaluza;Kaluza, 2008). Moreover, others center their analytical efforts on what one may name conceptions literature, one that revolves around the Bank's discourse and its alleged purposes and stated objectives, made more or less clear in its official documents and World Development Reports (Hibou, 2000;Teixeira, 2009;Pereira, 2010;Vianna Jr., 2008;Rached, 2010).…”