Gynaecological malignancies frequently metastasize to contiguous structures, internal organs and bones. Cutaneous metastasis as a primary or recurrent presentation of these malignancies is rare and only a few cases have been reported in the literature. A twenty year (1991)(1992)(1993)(1994)(1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005)(2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010) retrospective search for umbilical metastasis from gynaecological malignancies in our departmental case records showed only four cases. Four postmenopausal females presented with painful cutaneous umbilical (Sister Joseph's) nodules. The clinical examinations of all four patients revealed well delineated nodules of varying sizes and degrees of ulceration. Other findings were matted axillary and inguinal lymph node enlargement, intra-abdominal and pelvic masses, vaginal discharge and vaginal bleeding. Incisional tissue biopsies from the nodules were processed in paraffin wax and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Histology of the sections showed pigmented skin overlying metastatic malignant tumours consistent with adenocarcinoma from the endometrium and ovary in three cases, and squamous cell carcinoma, large cell keratinizing from the cervix uteri in the fourth case. Gynaecological cancers have a global spread and varied geographic distribution. Cervical cancer is the commonest in our setting and patients often present to hospital with advanced stage disease. Ovarian and endometrial cancers are infrequent and their diagnosis may be delayed by non-specificity of presenting clinical symptoms from other benign tumours at these sites. Although umbilical metastasis is commonly associated with gastro-intestinal malignancies, its presence may be the first harbinger of occult gynaecologic cancer. (J Turkish-German Gynecol Assoc 2012; 13: 204-7)Key words: Metastasis, umbilical, cervix uteri, squamous cell carcinoma, endometrial adenocarcinoma Received: 04 November, 2011 Accepted: 03 January, 2012Jinekolojik maligniteler sıklıkla komşu yapılara, iç organlara ve kemiklere metastaz yaparlar. Bu malignitelerin primer veya rekürren prezentasyonu olarak deri metaztazları enderdir ve literatürde sadece bir kaç olgu bildirilmiştir. Jinekolojik malignitelerden kaynaklanan umbilikal metaztazlar için departmanımızın olgu kayıtlarında yirmi yıllık (1991-2010) retrospektif taramada sadece dört olgu bulundu. Menopoz sonrası dört kadın deriyi tutan ağrılı umbilikal nodüllerle (Rahibe Joseph) başvurmuştu. Dört hastanın klinik muayenesi farklı büyüklükte ve farklı ülserasyon derecelerinde iyi sınırlanmış nodülleri ortaya koymuştu. Diğer bulgular aksillar ve inguinal lenf nodlarında paket halinde büyüme, karın içi ve pelvik kitleler, vajinal akıntı ve vajinal kanama idi. Nodüllerden insizyonla elde edilen doku biyopsileri parafin mumunda işlenmiş ve hematoksilin-eozin ile boyanmıştı. Kesitlerin histolojisi üç olguda endometriyum ve overden köken alan adenokarsinoma ile uyumlu metastatik malign tümör ve üstünü örten pigmente deriyi, dördüncü olguda servik...