A photomultiplier tube based on Avalanche Photodiodes (APD) operating in the electron bombardment mode has been developed. The tube has a large linear dynamic range, moderate gain (5 x IO5), resistance to magnetic fields, and can be made with NEA photocathodes. This device will be useful for calorimetry at the SSC where large dynamic ranges are required and other applications where high quantum efficiency photocathodes are needed. The extension of this concept to a multichannel device with a segmented APD array will provide a cost effective fiber readout for both tracking and calorimetry applications. A tube equipped with such an array is being developed currently as a readout option for the SDC Shower Maximum Detect or. ments are that the linear dynamic range should be three decades or more; the cross-talk between channels should be 2% or less; the channel-to-channel uniformity should be better than 3:l and time jitter between channels should be less than 3nsec. The photodetector should be able to operate in a magnetic field of 100G, with shielding if necessary, and in its operating lifetime it should be able to deliver an integrated photoelectron current of 1mC over a period of 10 years with a loss of no more than 50% photocathode sensitivity.At present, multi-channel photomultiplier tubes, A T'D's in the optical mode and image tubes equipped with a segmented APD at the anode are being considering for this application. This last option, the APD-PMT, is is the subject of the remainder of this paper.