“…Of the experimental models proposed, none proved to completely ful fill the requirements of routine diagnostic work.The test of the ligated rabbit gut (13, 14, 35, 62, 64) apparently gave some results concerning the evaluation of the enteropatho genic properties of some E. coli types, but seems to depend on many variable factors (63, 65) and is difficult to perform as a routine procedure in the diagnostic laboratories.The keratoconjunctivitis test in the guinea pig (70,54,55) has the advantage of easy performance and lecture, but has the draw back that it seems to yield reliable results only with the members of the Shigella group, with some intermediate (Sliigella-Escherichia) strains and with the 124 : 72 serotype of E. coli (3,51,58,12); the attempts to induce keratoconjunctivitis with the accepted enteropathogenic serotypes of E. coli (other than 124 : 72) isolated from cases of infantile diarrhea gave negative results (55, 57, 34, and unpublished data).