During running, there is a mechanism for changing the angle of the lower limb joints during the foot landing phase. A foot landing motion analysis intervention is needed to identify the risk of overstriding. The study focused on the joints of the lower extremities (hips, knees, and ankles) during the foot landing phase through the motion analysis phase of the subject. This research method uses quantitative qualitative with analytical descriptive design. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling, with the type of purposive sampling. 15 adolescent runners with endurance consisting of (12) boys and (3) girls have given informed consent. The test protocol of 60 seconds of each subject's treadmill running at a rate of 3.8 m/s (8.7 mph) was applied to one camera-recorded trial. Analysis of motion and angle for 30 seconds at the joints of the lower extremities from the lateral sagittal plane using the Kinovea software. The mean results of the angle values of the three lower extremity joints in various ranges. Characteristically, the motion produced from the angle of the subject's lower extremity joints, dominantly doing the landing phase of the hind foot accompanied by a condition of tibial extension which indicates the risk of overstriding.
Abstrak: Selama berlari, terjadi mekanisme perubahan sudut sendi ekstremitas bawah saat fase pendaratan kaki. Intervensi analisis gerak pendaratan kaki diperlukan untuk mengidentifikasi risiko overstriding. Penelitian terfokus pada persendian ekstremitas bawah(panggul, lutut, dan engkel) saat fase pendaratan kaki melalui tahap analisis gerak dari subjek. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatif kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif analitik. Teknik sampling menggunakan non-probability sampling, dengan jenis purposive sampling. 15 pelari remaja dengan daya tahan terdiri dari (12) laki-laki dan (3) perempuan telah menyetujui informed consent. Protokol tes lari treadmill setiap subjek selama 60 detik pada laju 3.8 m/s (8.7 mph) berlaku satu kali percobaan yang direkam kamera. Analisis gerak dan sudut selama 30 detik pada persendian ekstremitas bawah dari bidang sagital sisi lateral menggunakan perangkat lunak Kinovea. Rerata hasil nilai sudut ketiga sendi ekstremitas bawah pada rentang yang bervariasi. Secara karakteristik gerak yang dihasilkan dari sudut sendi ekstremitas bawah subjek, dominan melakukan fase pendaratan telapak kaki belakang disertai kondisi ekstensi tibia yang mengindikasikan risiko overstriding.