Background: One of the renewal strategies to accelerate stunting reduction is with a family approach through assisting families at risk of stunting to achieve their targets, namely prospective brides (catin) / prospective couples of childbearing age (PUS). Midwives are expected to be able to apply the Midwifeled care model, namely a Midwife-led care model that provides care from the same midwife or team of midwives during pregnancy, birth and the early period of care with referrals to providers. The role of midwives in order to strengthen the implementation of family assistance duties has a role as coordinator of family assistance and health service providers.
Purpose: to determine the relationship between the knowledge of PMB midwives about the Midwife-Led Care model to the role of midwives in assisting preconception catin ceting (prospective brides preventing stunting) in Central JavaMethod: This study uses a quantitative research type. The design in this study was to use an analytical survey design with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all PMB midwives in Central Java in 2022 with a total of 386 samples, the sampling technique used total sampling. Methods of data collection using primary data. The data collection tool used a questionnaire and data analysis used the Chi Square Test. Results: The characteristics of the respondents found that most of the respondents were aged > 35 years by 347 respondents (89.9%) and most of them had worked for ≥5 years by 327 respondents (84.7%), Knowledge of respondents most of the respondents had poor knowledge about the midwife-led care model, namely as many as 271 people (70.2%), the role of the PMB midwife, most of the role of the PMB midwife in pre-conception assistance for catin ceting was not good, namely as many as 348 respondents (90.2%) and there was a relationship between the knowledge of the PMB midwife about Midwife-led care on the role of midwives in preconception assistance to prospective brides with a P value (0.003).
Conclusion:Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the knowledge of PMB midwives about Midwife-led care has a relationship with the midwife's role in preconception assistance to prospective brides.